On 1st February the sign of the Chinese New Year will change from a cute and gentle Rabbit to a fearsome Tiger, alerting us to major positive developments in the world.
In the last week over 50,000 Canadian truckers – including farmers and even the Amish – have gathered in the capital Ottawa, sparking a wave of red Canadian flags; the maple leaf proudly on display. This is such an inspirational sight! It shows how each and every one of us can make a difference to the world peacefully, with integrity and respect. That is how real long-lasting change is being instigated.
Seeing the wave within Canada, USA, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Finland, and many more, truckers worldwide have recognised peaceful uprising action and are heading to the capitals to restore our Freedom of Choice. Here’s hoping to the beginning of the end of a two year siege, so that we can finally live life without the restrictions so many of us have had to endure. The fight is not yet over, however, as we are only just beginning to see the damage done to the multiple layers of our health. Each of us has suffered physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. However, many new initiatives are being set up globally, one being America’s Frontline Doctors who are setting up clinics in the USA in the not-too-distant future.

When Medica Health International was founded, our logo featured an upside down Canadian maple leaf to mark the connection with a Shaman, a medicine man, inspired by the late Laurence Heylen, a trained Kahuna in the Huna traditions of Hawaii. Having lived in Canada for some time and having a profound interest in Canadian action during WWII, he often cited how they were the ones who ended the war with their presence and actions. This is a true affirmation of the Canadian spirit.

The Red Wave of Canadian Truckers, and as some memes portray it – a parting of the Red Sea, draws upon the colour of red being the root, the grounding force with action and density.

This specific wave form is highly dominant any way we use it, be it in fashion, food or theatre, it draws our attention and urges us to react. As one of the primary colours, it is called upon in healing therapies when there is no other way forward. This is because of its strength and the strength and wellbeing needed for the body to take the appropriate action. If we look at red foodstuffs, for example, we notice how they are typically small and a tiny quantity suffices, much like Hawthorne Berries which are traditionally used in remedies for artery and heart issues.
Looking at crystals, it is traditionally the Ruby gemstone wearer who is associated with power, wealth, forcefulness and grounding, hence why this gemstone is highly prized and extremely valuable. When used in Theragem Technology, the colour spectrum of red, precious Rubies and the stimulating frequency of 16.8Hz all deliver a particularly highly charged stimulant to kickstart the function of any organ or sluggish condition.
In one case study, one of our Theragem therapists used a Ruby Gemcup on a Stimulating frequency on a paraplegic patient with Lyme’s disease. The patient had been paraplegic for five years and had previously been a professional ballet dancer. The physical and emotional levels of the heart had been severely affected by the recent lack of movement and an emotional disconnection to engage the Will to heal.
Two days after the therapist applied the Ruby Gemcup on Stimulating frequency over the heart, the patient was at the beach in her wheelchair with family. This was the first time in five years!
The patient stated that she ‘finally had the energy to make the effort to breathe in the refreshing sea breeze!’ This breakthrough brought back the patient’s Will, allowing her inner joy to control her heart, decisions and responses.
In other cases, where an allergy slowed down all liver functions, using the Ruby Gemcup on a sluggish, overwhelmed spleen effectively initiates a detox effect.

With the power of Red behind us we can view the Red Wave of the Canadian people and their truckers as a kick start to a sluggish, overwhelmed society. Let’s bring back the heart!
Brilliant post. Thanks for sharing.