With chilly winds and howling rain across the Lancashire countryside, we look forward to the beginning of March and the onset of Spring.
Usually, this time of year sees our team travel to Los Angeles for the annual Conscious Life Expo but for the first time in over a decade, we could not physically attend the event as we normally would. However, COVID-19 pandemic restrictions opened up a new way of interaction through the virtual online conference this year. In anticipation of the event, we redesigned our website, including enhancing the products page and adding a new research and news/blog pages, amongst other things. Our team felt the buzz of excitement ahead of the event and enjoyed the rush of energy that permeated the halls over the course of three days.
Unlike previous years in which we are usually glued to the booth discussing and demonstrating our Theragem products with conference attendees, we found some time to peruse the expansive range of online presentations.
On Friday, talks were held on ancient mysteries tied to consciousness as well as a segment on spiritual healing and meditation. Saturday was a whirlwind of dialogues on the latest scientific findings related to consciousness and intention, astrology, impact of extraterrestrials, and awakening to consciousness, referred to as ascension into the fifth dimension. The final day wrapped up with an investigation into contacts with extraterrestrials, thoughts on what the future holds, and, a personal favourite, of course, the role of consciousness and intention on healing and health.
A great deal has been written about ancient practices on consciousness. For example, over four thousand years ago ancient yogis of modern-day India described an energy life-force that traversed our body along thousands of channels which crossed paths in seven areas, called “chakras”. These chakras energetically influence our glands, organs, emotions, mentality, spirituality, and consciousness. The yogis called this life-force “prana” and Chinese medicine “chi”. Other cultures like ancient Egypt, mystical Judaism, Buddhism, several native American tribes and the Mayans documented similar beliefs.[1] Maintaining healthy chakras is key to ensure that energy continues to flow unobstructed.

Dr. Robert “Ibrahim” Jaffe discussed Sufism, spiritual healing that relies on the focused intentions of participants carried out with the repetitive chanting of religious phrases. Although Sufism is an Islamic mysticism, Dr. Jaffe made it clear that any translated word or phrase could be substituted. Sufi healing techniques impact the chakras and resonance of cells, molecules and atoms. In one example, Dr. Jaffe imparted that to resolve a sense of loneliness or abandonment the heart chakra gets impacted from light or photons (electromagnetic energy) induced by a Sufi chant. Similarly, the crown chakra would be addressed to open consciousness.
When we combine the Sufi wisdom with Theragem’s basic frequencies of Balancing at 4.1Hz and Ayurvedic Sapphires through the purple colour of crown and third eye Chakras, a steady flow of supportive energy is known to bring an even higher enhanced state of awareness. Monitoring through systems such as HeartQuest Heart Rate Variability, pulse reading, and chakra flow show the improvement of the body’s capacity to be its own centre of healing and to stay in that centre. Much like a clockwork, outer circumstances will not be able to make an impact, let alone linger to unbalance the flow of metabolism.
This ultimately is the goal of therapy, not only to heal the tears and scars of a person’s life but to make them realise that they can be free of the weight of their past, learning their unique lessons and enhancing their quality of life.
Different blends like Aura Cleanse Gemcup used regularly will allow for a clean and clear auric field thus allowing a person to make quality choices. Rose Quartz brings the quality of heart on physical function, imbues rejuvenation and purification during the session and for sometime after. Sufi chanting or even Transcendental Meditation techniques added to the daily routine enhances the connection, adds to one’s self-worth and connection to the centre within. This will enhance the spinning of the chakras.

As it turns out, our excitement proved to be uplifting for all on the team – we have felt the energy coursing through our veins throughout the entire conference. We believe that the remote distance of participants did not lead to a decrease in energy. Rather, we sensed a coming together of consciousness that provided a lift to our wellbeing.
We will be exploring the role of consciousness in healing more thoroughly, including group intentions in the next article. In the meantime, we do hope next year’s conference takes place in Los Angeles for we do miss those soothing southern California sun rays this time of the year!
[1] Tubali, Shai. “The 7 Chakras.” 7wisdoms.org. 7 Wisdoms.
Thanks for sharing your insights from the conference. Amazing how ancient widoms and technology have come full circle…