Over the years, our growing body of Theragem Therapists have discovered and delighted in the profound healing potential of Theragem Fusion Light Technology.
As the market for complimentary wellness products continues to flourish, we’ve put together this short Q&A guide to differentiate between Theragem and other healing modalities. Below are genuine questions from some of our Therapists.

Sometimes, people ask me about other frequency devices like the new device called the Healy, it uses a microcurrent. Why is the Theragem better than a microcurrent… is it because the Theragem’s light source penetrates 23cm into the skin? Does this also include the cells too?
There are a few products available currently in the market, all offering healing solutions. Many of these products, however, only address a limited range of conditions and don’t take into account the root cause of disease. The Theragem Clinique doesn’t just target symptoms. The unique combination of frequencies, light, colour and crystalline energy optimises the body’s immune system through a process of relaxation and stimulation. This creates a cascading effect of hormonal secretions which enables the body to heal itself.
The results? Not only are symptoms directly addressed, but the general health and wellbeing of clients will benefit. A good analogy is taking your car to a garage and getting a full service, rather than just an MOT!
And what would be the benefit of Theragem’s deep penetration compared to a microcurrent?
The Theragem Clinique activates numerous facets of the physical plane, from mitochondrion to fascia and all of the body’s organs. Each cell contains almost 99% light and Theragem infuses these cells with clean and pure creating distinctive results.
At the same time, the boy’s energy is cleansed and cleared of any dark residue. Energy travels through the outer layers of the auric field chakra and etheric body into the skin’s dermal layers activating the body’s potential to heal.
The next question deals with the Rife Frequency Generator. Why is the Theragem better? I know we can manually set up Rife Frequencies and we even have Nogier frequencies in the MFG.
The human body consists of more than just frequencies, it is a manifestation of carbon and mineral elements on a three-dimensional level. Theragem effectively targets all these components, rather than simply fine-tuning frequencies. Deep healing can only occur when the cleaning, clearing, transmuting and dissolving of all the diseased layers has been activated, ensuring the participation of surrounding layers for a full ‘deep clean’.
Does Theragem work on other levels of energy, such as chakras, aura, and acupuncture points as well?
This is one of the most frequently asked questions. It is becoming clear how much influence old energy, miasm in homeopathy, has on the many layers.
Theragem works well in helping clean and clear energy not only on a physical level, but ‘travels’ through the auric field of a person to reach the chakra, etheric field and only then penetrates the first layers of the skin. Our unique blends with their carefully measured characteristics create a coherent field which addresses the layers we often overlook or are not even aware of.
One of our main protocols is the use of Theragem over the spleen, which in Traditional Chinese Medicine is access to the LUO – basically a kind of sack within the body. Performing therapy on this point gives you, as a therapist, access to spleen activation, activation of the Luo system, and dissolves worries and anxieties, leaving a person feeling completely grounded.
Recently, a client was enjoying her Eternity facial session when she asked if there was a solution for her recurring ankle pain when walking her dog in the forest. Amethyst Gemcup on Calming frequency for 20 minutes on a 100% intensity ensured a pain free week.

However, when asked a week later how her ankle was doing she looked up with a puzzled face and asked, “What do you mean, ankle pain?’ This simple example shows us that when pain is addressed correctly, on all levels, not only the pain dissolves but also the memory of the pain is gone too.
Realising this is key to understanding the strength of Theragem Fusion Light Therapy.
Got a question? Get in touch, we are always happy to help.