View scientific articles from respected scholarly publications.

Bility et al (2020) Can Traditional Chinese Medicine provide insights into controlling the COVID-19 pandemic. Science of the Total Environment (Science Direct).

Firstenberg (2017) The Invisible Rainbow. Chelsea Green Publishing.

Gough (2008) More light, less disease. Science Signaling 1(41).

Hamblin and Demidova (2006) Mechanisms of low level light therapy. Proceedings of SPIE: The International Society for Optical Engineering 6140.

Hazen (2010) Evolution of minerals Scientific American.

Hopperton (2011) Quantum communication a step closer? New Electronics.

Karimov (2014) Heart rate variability: the why, what, and how of HRV and its importance in private practice. Cardopulmonary Medicine (Naturopathic Doctors News and Reviews).

Lembo et al (2009) Treatment of Heliobacter pylori infection with intra-gastric violet light phototherapy: a pilot clinical trial. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 41(5).

New Scientist (2007) Is the seat of the soul in the brain? New Scientist.

Roy (2011) NASA light technology successfully reduces cancer patients side effects from radiation and chemotherapy. NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (Al).

Wallace (2009) The theory and practice of syntonic phototherapy: a review. Optometry and Vision Development 40(2).