Do you remember Dr. Patch Adams, famously portrayed by actor Robin Williams? He was a clown doctor with a red nose who, while studying to become a medical doctor at the age of 18, decided that happiness, humor, love, cooperation, creativity, and thoughtfulness should be his motto for healing his patients.
For over 50 years, Patch has been teaching his principles, and he is still going strong with a teaching facility in West Virginia, where he passes on his love for healing and non-conformist outreach to the sick.

Patch is right: joy is one of the highest vibrancies next to love, and laughing can get you out of a victim mindset!
One of the great benefits of laughing is that it relaxes both the subconscious and ego.
The subconscious processes one million bits of information per second, while the ego, what you know as ‘you’, processes only seven bits. Moreover, the subconscious works differently with time; it remembers everything simultaneously, so all traumas of a lifetime or longer are felt currently and hold a lot of negative charge.
Even if you are not feeling sick, negative memories still need to be released, maybe on a monthly or even weekly basis. This can be done in a deeply relaxed state by repeatedly telling the subconscious to take whatever it needs to heal the trauma and release the negative energy.
Many people with physical illnesses stop experiencing joy. Although they feel the love of their family and friends, joy is something that must be retrieved because it is inseparable from the healing process.
Theragem Therapists have observed that standard Elation therapy and the even more powerful and deep Assemblage Point Reconnection make it easier to achieve this. We’ve also compiled a book of Testimonials describing a number of these therapies which can be found here.

Perhaps this is why we are seeing so many bloopers in present-day politics, and Mr. Joe Biden is singlehandedly providing the world with ice cream and cookies. As the masks drop, only red noses can save the day!