The Selenite Caves of the Naica Mines in Central Mexico are a spectacular and wondrous sight. Discovered in 2000, these two-to-three-mile deep caves have captivated the public with their enormous selenite stalagmites and stalactites.

However, visiting these caves in person is difficult due to their fragile state and the intense heat generated by the nearby magma chambers. Without protective clothing, a human can only endure about five minutes inside these caves before sweating profusely and risking severe dehydration. With protective gear, visits can last up to twenty minutes, but caution is still necessary due to the sharp edges and the brittleness of the crystals, which can easily break off, making tours challenging.
One of the first explorers who visited the caves in 2001 claimed it was one of the best detoxification methods she had ever experienced, and she has not been ill since.

Selenite is unique in its strong heart connection. It is the only crystal that does not absorb other frequencies; instead, it emits a frequency that opens the heart space, resolving and unblocking emotional trauma. Due to its delicate nature, selenite is not commonly used in many applications, including Theragem Gemcups. Instead, it is often used in candle holders, which activate warmth and connection.
Interestingly, selenite resembles our crystalline bone structure and possesses piezoelectric properties, meaning our bones respond to pulsed electromagnetic frequencies when stressed or out of balance. Our bones act as antennas for internal vibrations and information because they are the only solid-state crystals in our bodies, storing memory patterns. Other body parts, such as collagen, ligaments, tendons, cartilage, dentin, and teeth, also contain piezoelectric properties. Each of these parts vibrates and resonates with information from external sources, such as pulsed electromagnetic frequencies and high intentions. Other parts of the human body like fatty, nerve, and muscle tissues, the lymphatic system, and white blood cells, amongst others, are in fact crystalline liquid structures. This means they act both as a liquid and a crystal with piezoelectric properties, capable of transmitting highly charged encoded messages, directing the cells to their original state of optimum health.
Many examples of regained health and wellbeing, whether from a broken bone or an aching hip, have been shared by Theragem therapists. Imbued with the above knowledge, healing makes sense as the body, in essence, is an amplified crystalline resonant field.
As we continue to discover gems and minerals in mines and areas with large deposits, our world is becoming increasingly discerning in its morals, integrity, and respect for one another, often due to the daily examples of maltreatment we witness. The recent unprecedented disaster by Hurricane Helene in the Appalachian mountain area of the USA uncovered quartz and lithium fields, now being exploited by money-hungry companies.
The world of crystals demonstrates cohesiveness and coherence, capable of singing their song, responding to, and transporting thoughts and frequencies for various everyday devices. Worldwide, large deposits of crystals can be found, such as the Naica Caves, the Appalachian Mountains, and the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, known for its numerous different minerals and crystals. Even in the river near you, beautiful crystals can be discovered if you know where to look. Knowing and connecting with these enormous crystal fields just by thinking of them has enormous potential. Just like you reading this blog on a PC or phone with quartz in it has the power to positively change your ideas and thoughts on any subject.
The Selenite Caves of Naica and other crystal deposits around the world serve as powerful reminders of our deep connection to the Earth. These natural wonders embody the coherence and unity that exists within the land, reflecting the intricate and harmonious relationships in nature. In the coming weeks, be aware of these extraordinary formations, fostering a greater sense of respect and reverence for the ground beneath your feet and connecting with your positive intent.

If you’d like to learn more about crystals and their use in alternative medicine, click here to read an article on the History of Crystal Light Therapy.