Meditation is experiencing a surge in popularity as a relaxation technique, effectively reducing stress, regulating heart rate and brain function, enhancing the immune response, and fostering positive connections between the mind and body. For many individuals, it has been instrumental in stabilizing their emotions and mental processes over time. However, some find this journey to be somewhat solitary.
The well-known Dr. Joe Dispenza has initiated a meditation movement, welcoming everyone to participate at no cost within their local communities. This movement, known as the “Walk for the World Meditation,” will take place on September 23 during the equinox solstice.

Enthusiastic individuals across the globe have formed local meditation groups, allowing them to meditate together in their neighborhoods. This initiative offers a splendid opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and infuse positivity into their surroundings.
Why is this topic deserving of a dedicated blog post? Currently, depression poses one of the most significant threats to people’s well-being, with suicide rates increasing due to relentless economic and political developments. Many are awakening to the hidden influence of a select few who manipulate the majority, ostensibly for their well-being. The consequences of their interference are becoming increasingly evident and unsettling.
Our society is undergoing significant changes, with ambulance response times growing abnormally long, general practitioner practices transitioning away from in-person visits, and extended wait times in emergency rooms, to name just a few issues. Some over-the-counter medications have been abruptly withdrawn in the USA, while certain long-acting medications have been found to contain nanotechnology (see insulin study by Dr David Nixon and Dr Ana Maria Mihalcea).
Political censorship is also taking extreme forms, exemplified by the recent case of Russell Brand. Politicians are now acting as judges, jurors, and executioners, pressuring search engines to remove free speech channels. Even respected and well established companies are suddenly accused of producing pesticides due to the presence of silver in their products. Berkey Water Filters is currently suing the American EPA due to their unexpected change in stance, which severed all ties to production, sellers, and resellers. One can only anticipate that colloidal silver water, a potent immune system booster, may face a similar fate.
For years, as holistic and integrative health manufacturers, we have been cautious in our marketing language to ensure compliance, despite receiving numerous positive reports of life-threatening conditions being reversed. The best testimony for us has always been the word of mouth from therapists and patients, who share their remarkable results, testimonials, and success rates.
For instance, consider Veronica France, a former model and actress, whose enlarged and atrophic heart fibrillation was declared cured by two of her heart specialists through daily use of Theragem Therapy with a Rose Quartz Gemcup, following standard protocols.

Rose Quartz Gemcup
Rose Quartz is the gemstone of unconditional love. The true energy given by Rose Quartz is within all forms of healing and is at the heart of the universe. It is wonderful for all forms of emotional wounds, no matter how deep, or wherever they have lodged in the body or the mind. Tenderly balancing the heart chakra, it can allow the client to connect and understand true self worth.
Similarly, Betty J shares her astonishment at discovering no cancer after surgery, with no radiation or chemotherapy. She attributes her good fortune to Theragem Therapy with an Emerald Gemcup, applied three times a week for five weeks. You can read through a number of case studies resulting in positive outcomes right here.
Emerald Gemcup
Emits healing frequencies of green light which lowers skin and body temperature and is used for conditions where too much heat is present, such as burns, fevers, arthritis, asthma, eczema, anorexia, irritable bowel syndrome, stomach ulcers, diarrhoea and cystitis.

Ultimately, it falls upon all of us to engage in open and judgment-free communication, sharing our experiences and listening to one another’s stories. Participating in walks like “Walk for the World Meditation,” can facilitate this, enriching not only our surroundings but also introducing us to new friends and acquaintances. Just imagine the array of opportunities awaiting us right around the corner!

To learn more about Theragem Therapy visit our How It Works section or get in touch with us to find a Theragem package that’s right for you.